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Ubisoft Sofia supports sensory integration therapy for children

Sensory-based stimulation is an extremely important activity, complementing the main and obligatory therapy. It is a complicated process of adaptation and processing of information, thus attaining the maximum of adequate social behaviour.

Children with special needs, especially children on the autistic spectrum, need sensitive multi-sensory stimulation, based on the need to communicate, to “speak” in a specific way and get to know the world around them. The usage of sensory integration therapy allows the child to present itself in a specific space. The freedom of movement improves fine motor skills and leads to better movement coordination. Dimensional orientation is achieved, which allows for more independence and flexibility in everyday activities. The therapeutical environment is prepared in a way that lets the child to experiment and invent its own desire to play and have fun.In the multi-sensory room there are activities for

  • Challenging the senses
  • Developing a body’s scheme – knowledge of one’s own body and its inclusion in a particular activity or story.
  • More effective perception of a complicated sensory information
  • Provoking interest and concentration оf attention
  • Solving of motor problems through interaction with the environment and Implementation of a specific task
  • Good positioning and allowing for grading in the increasing of tenacity/strength, as well as repetition of activities
  • Working with fears
  • Difficulties in adapting in a new environment; acceptance of rules
  • Interactive learning room
  • Relaxation, aimed at information processing, dealing with hyperactivity, etc. 
  • Working in a sensory room is very individual for each child.

For a year now the children from the “Happy together” Centre for Social Rehabilitation and Integration at the “We Can Do More Together” Association have been receiving sensory integration therapy from two qualified specialists. It has been free of charge thanks to donations for 15 children and is held each Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm.We are very eager to continue delivering this therapy to all of the children.That’s why we plead our donors to help us once again.

The amount we need for a year is BGN 4000.


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Сузан Йешели
Donated so far
 350  лв.

Goal amount
 4,000  лв.
End of Campaign

Category : Лечение / рехабилитация

Legal state: NON-PROFITS

Beneficiary: Сдружение "Заедно можем повече"


Donor Name
Anonymous donor  50  лв.
Anonymous donor  100  лв.
Венелин Димитров  200  лв.


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Сузан Йешели

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