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Integration of Ukrainian refugees - Bulgaria/EBRD Community Initiative

Fundraising to support the Integration Centre of the Za Dobroto foundation, helping Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria.

Кампания за набиране на средства в подкрепа на Интеграционния център "За доброто", подпомагащ украински бежанци в България.

The campaign is organised by the EBRD team in Sofia and is part of EBRD's Community Initiative. Upon reaching the fundraising target, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will provide matching funding on 2:1 ratio for the funds raised in the campaign (subject to observing eligibility conditions and sufficient resources available in the initiative fund).

Кампанията е организирана от екипа на ЕБВР в София и е част от социалната инициатива на банката EBRD Community Initiative. Ако кампанията постигне поставената цел за набиране на средства, Европейската банка за възстановяване и развитие ще предостави средства в съотношение 2:1 спрямо набраната в кампанията сума (ако са спазени изискванията на инициативата и при достатъчна наличност на средства във фонда на инициативата).

To date Za Dobroto foundation has assisted tens of thousands of Ukrainian people arriving in Bulgaria and the tireless work continues with an expanding range of activities aiming to facilitate the refugees integration. The foundation has set up a full-scale integration centre called 'Za dobroto'. It provides humanitarian help, day childcare, job fair and career consultations, a teenage centre, Bulgarian language and vocational training, mediation for access to schools and kindergartens, etc. Funds raised in the campaign will contribute to covering the costs of running the integration centre and will help supporting a greater number of Ukrainian refugees.


Za dobroto Foundation was established as a legal entity in December 2020 but it started off in 2019 as the informal citizen initiative #ZaDobroto Project. The literal translation of the organisation's name means "For the good" expressing the mission to do good and pass it forward. The core team comprises eight women, united by the shared belief that the care for every child in Bulgaria is society's shared responsibility. The foundation's mission is to work for high-standard child healthcare and education in Bulgaria. The foundation has supported various initiatives to date - the request for the establishment of a specialised modern children's hospital, the financial support of children who lost their parents (doctors, etc.) in the fight with COVID, voluntary renovation of children wards in hospitals in Bulgaria, etc. Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, Za Dobroto Foundation has been supporting Ukrainian refugees, primarily women and children, arriving in Bulgaria, with accomodation, assistance, food and other materials, day child care, support for integration. The foundation acted immediately and opened a child day care in Sofia on 4 March 2022. Currently the foundation works with educational organisations, government institutions, the civil
society and hundreds of volunteers, all driven by a common goal - to show Ukrainian refugees that they are welcome in Bulgaria.


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Екип на ЕБВР в София ЕБВР
Donated so far
 10,398  лв.

Goal amount
 10,000  лв.
End of Campaign

Category : Бежанци / мигранти

Legal state: NON-PROFITS

Beneficiary: Фондация "За доброто"/ Za Dobroto Foundation


Donor Name
Роска Иванова  3,000  лв.
Борислава  100  лв.
Dimitar Donchev  200  лв.
Anonymous donor  40  лв.
Anonymous donor  20  лв.


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Екип на ЕБВР в София ЕБВР

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