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HCL Technologies - Together for better!

Together for better!  

“Walking with a friend in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.”


Every once in a while we get through difficult times and our families and friends help us standing up. And we may have more hands, friends, colleagues, network - because we are #OneHCL!  

Through our partner BCause we are organizing a fundraising campaign, aiming to support the families suffering from the floods disaster in Karlovsko. One of them is also the family of our colleague Violeta Vekova (Novartis) who is directly impacted by the inundation in Karavelovo. The first floor of the house is completely covered with mud and unfortunately uninhabitable. They are currently awaiting technical support to remove the cars stuck in their yard, so that the cleaning and reconstruction activities may continue.  

The funds from this campaign will be donated to the WE HELP! campaign, coordinated by WCIF, Bulgarian Donors Forum, NAVA Foundation and BCause Foundation, who are in charge of communications, on-site needs assessment, and distribution of funds between the communities, affected by the floods.

 Let’s get our hands together and help those in need!


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Donated so far
 1,710  лв.

Goal amount
 10,000  лв.
End of Campaign

Category : Бедствия / кризи

Legal state: NON-PROFITS

Beneficiary: Фондация BCause


Donor Name
Anonymous donor  50  лв.
Anonymous donor  50  лв.
Anonymous donor  20  лв.
Anonymous donor  100  лв.
Denitsa Nikolova  50  лв.


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